If you love and appreciate flowers, there are a number of ways you can become involved at First Presbyterian.
Flower Donation
Anyone may donate the worship flowers in honor, memory or thanksgiving of someone. The cost is $85, and you may sign up here. We also welcome $20 donations in memory, honor, or thanksgiving of others at Easter and Advent. You may use our Giving page or send a check.
Flower Arranging
A group of gifted people rotate their talents on a weekly basis in arranging flowers that have been sponsored by families in the congregation. The family is called to determine preferences and then ordered from a local wholesaler. The flowers are then delivered Friday afternoon to the church, where they are typically arranged Saturday morning. If you are interested in serving in this way, contact Margaret Roberts.
Flower Breakdown
These beautiful arrangements grace our chancel on Sundays before being broken down each Monday morning to be distributed to members of the congregation to cheer them and let them know they are thought of, prayed for and loved during a time of challenge or celebration. If you are interested in serving in this way, contact Margaret Roberts.
Flower Delivery
Once “rearranged”, a thoughtful note is attached and delivered by our crew of dedicated drivers. These arrangements help celebrate a new addition to the family or bring a measure of joy to an otherwise difficult situation, such as prolonged illness, hospitalization or the death of a loved one.
If you are interested in delivering flowers once a month, contact Betty Barcheski.