Our Church Session

Our Church Session, which includes our pastor and 15 elders, is the governing body of First Presbyterian. Elders and members of the congregation serve on our committees which is where much of the work of First Presbyterian Church is done. The following are descriptions of standing committees. There are also subcommittees of the following as well as special committees from time to time to insure that work is completed in an effective and efficient manner and that the needs of the congregation and the community are met. 

List of Elders

Class of 2024

Mike Anderson
Hunter Battle
Chris Jones
Jennifer Sower
Sam Webb

Class of 2025

Jason Coleman

Marti Downey

Christine Grisham

Jim Mahurin

Verna Rydlund

Class of 2026

Leanne Hoeffler

John Korab

Tammy Love

Starr Nolan

Phil Otts



    Terry Love, Chair

    The Administration Committee is responsible for short-range and long-range planning, administrative costs, and personnel matters. It evaluates the performance of church staff members, makes recommendations concerning salary adjustments and serves as a forum to listen to grievances by members of the staff or the congregation.


    Doug Halleen, Adult Education Chair

    Jennifer Sower, Youth Education Chair

    Jaclyn Tarkington, Children's Education Chair

    The Christian Education Committee oversees and supports educational opportunities for our congregation and community, providing diverse, nurturing and spiritually challenging opportunities for all ages. Programs include, but are not limited to Sunday School classes, Children's Worship, Wednesday Night Live Kids, WNL Adult Bible study, Youth activities, the Annual Congregational Retreat at NaCoMe, the library, and the nursery. 


    Katie England, Chair; Khris Downey, Co-Chair

    The Congregational Care Committee oversees the caring ministries of the congregation. We care for one another, welcome and assimilate new members, and encourage all members and friends of First Presbyterian Church to actively participate in the life of the church.


    Jim Mahurin, Chair

    Facility Management Committee is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the church’s facilities, vehicles, and grounds.


    Jane Otts, Chair

    The Fellowship Committee provides fellowship opportunities and events which bring church members and guests together in order to strengthen our relationships with each other and with God. Some committee responsibilities include: dinner for Wednesday Night Live, bereavement meals, receptions, quarterly potlucks, and various other social events throughout the year.


    Andrew Stevens, Chair

    The Stewardship and Finance Committee provides a ministry of oversight and direction for the financial operations of the church, working with the congregation to encourage generous giving in response to God’s grace.


    Robin Pulliam and Heather Reimer, Co-Chairs

    The Mission Committee is charged with the task of developing and supporting local and global mission projects.

  • Outreach Committee

    Verna Rydlund, Chair

    The Outreach Committee strives to communicate the Great Commission, which calls us to go forth into the world and share the good news of Jesus Christ to the surrounding community.

  • Safety committee

    Colln Henry, Chair

    The safety committee works to develop safety programs and emergency plans to ensure the safety of all participants at all FPC events and services. 

  • Stewardship Committee

    Lauren Inglis, Chair

    The Stewardship committee works to develop a spirit of generosity and gratitude in the church. 


    Leanne Hoeffler, Chair

    The Worship Committee makes provision for Sunday worship services and for special services throughout the year, preparing the sacraments, ensuring that our music program is complete, scheduling elders to serve communion, and maintaining sanctuary continuity. The committee also oversees weddings and funerals.

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