Adult Classes

God calls us to be in community with one another so we might be equipped to be an influence to others. By interacting with others in our church family we challenge each other, learn from one another and become stronger in our faith as followers of Christ. We hope you will take time to visit several classes and find where you connect best.

Join us at 9:00 AM each week for Sunday School.

Our regular Adult Sunday School Classes  are listed below.

Class Zoom links can be accessed by clicking on the image next to each class description.

  • The Bible Class, Room 207

    A focus on ancient history in the Holy Land during the time span of 960 B.C. through 135 A.D. This fall the group will be learning about Ancient Israel through 24 video lectures entitled The World of Biblical Israel led by Professor Cynthia R. Chapman. Contacts: Mike Henry ( and Hugh DuPree (

  • Christian Faith & Life Class, Room 206

    A Bible study class that is a small, but intimate, group focused on applying the lessons to daily life and supporting one another with prayer and fellowship. This fall the group will be studying Acts using The NIV Application Commentary. Contact: Missy Kitchings ( 

  • Exploration Class, Room 211 (Barr Conference Room) (HYBRID ON ZOOM

    A spirited discussion class with in-depth conversation regarding the impact a faith-based book has on our lives, our family, and our community. This fall the class will utilize the book Jesus and the Powers: Christian Political Witness in an Age of Totalitarian Terror and Dysfunctional Democracies by N.T. Wright and Michael Bird. Contact: Doug Halleen (

  • Feasting on the Word, Room 210

    An in-depth study of the weekly lectionary scripture text using Feasting on the Word curriculum published by Westminster John Knox Press. Open dialogue is encouraged. The texts follow the Revised Common Lectionary that we also follow in worship each Sunday. Contacts: Adam Crunk ( and Clarke Oldham (

  • Living Faith Class, Room 208 (HYBRID ON ZOOM

    Our class uses a video format that allows for thoughtful consideration and discussion. We will use videos by Andy Stanley who is the founder of North Point Ministries. We are a welcoming and friendly class that searches for meaning in today's complex world. Contact: Anne Parsons ( and Margaret Whiteside (

  • keeping current as a christian, Room 213

    We will offer a variety of topics for discussion based on current events using podcasts and news articles. We always encourage respecting other’s point of view and learn from listening and discussing in our safe, Christian community. Contact: Phil Otts (